Friday, July 23, 2010

Prettia Hair Dye in Marshmallow Brown REVIEW (messy photos)

1st - bright lighting
2nd - medium lighting
3rd - low lighting

I will post pics after a week or so when it has faded!


  1. Hello!!!!
    Thanks for doing this. i have a question. the girl before she dye her hair he has black hair right??? i want to dye my dark black hair that color and i don't know what to use but now i know. i wanted that color. and also where do u buy Prettia Hair dye??? i can't buy it online because my parents won't let me buy stuff online but i want to know where u got it. Please Please let me know. even if u got it online >_< PLZZZ!!!

  2. To Vivian,
    thanks for commenting, i actually thought no-one went on our blog :D
    Anywyas yeh it was virgin black hair b4 Cindy dyed it.
    Also i'm not sure where u live... but we live in Australia (ACT) but i know u can purcahse this in Sydney. To be more specific..the place in sydney i know of is the mall upstairs of Paddy markets and theirs an asian cosmetics store their and i'm pretty sure they sell it there (price was around 20).
    Anyways hope that helped :D

  3. Wow! It turned out really great!

  4. Is there a really big difference in the hair colours under different lightings??
    Also, did you start with black hair, or already lightened hair?? @.@

  5. ^^
    my hair was black, first time dying it!
    the difference in lighting is noticeable in first week, after it faded and the colour became more apparent and even

  6. Gorgeous! I also used prettia! I used MARSHMALLOW BROWN and I'm surprised at how easy it was to get an even color (even my dark roots cuz i already had lightened hair from previous dye!) In case it might help anyone, my before and after pics of it can be found here.
